Source code for ramutils.utils

from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
import json
import logging
import os
from timeit import default_timer
import numpy as np
import h5py
import tempfile
import shutil
import base64

from ramutils.log import get_logger
from import JsonIndexReader

[docs]def reindent_json(json_file, indent=2): """Re-indent JSON data preserving order. Useful for removing extraneous whitespace leftover from templates generation. Parameters ---------- json_file : str or file-like Path to JSON file or a file-like object containing JSON data. indent : int Indent width Returns ------- reindented : str Re-indented JSON string """ # Path to JSON file if isinstance(json_file, str): with open(json_file, 'r') as f: data = json.loads(, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # File-like object else: data = json.load(json_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) return json.dumps(data, indent=indent)
[docs]def safe_divide(a, b=None): """Attempts to perform a/b and catches zero division errors to prevent crashing. Parameters ---------- a : float or callable Numerator or the function to wrap when used as a decorator. b : float or None Denominator or None when used as a decorator. Returns ------- result: float 0 if denominator is 0, else a/b """ if callable(a): @wraps(a) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return a(*args, **kwargs) except ZeroDivisionError: get_logger().warning("ZeroDivisionError; returning 0 instead") return 0 return wrapper else: try: result = a / b except ZeroDivisionError: get_logger().warning("ZeroDivisionError; returning 0 instead") result = 0 return result
[docs]def touch(path): """Mimics the unix ``touch`` command.""" with open(path, 'a'): os.utime(path, None)
[docs]def save_array_to_hdf5(output, data_name, data, overwrite=False): """Save an array of data to hdf5 Parameters ---------- output: (str) Path to hdf5 output file data_name: (str) Name of the dataset data: (np.ndarray) Data array Notes ----- Primarily useful for debugging purposes. Could be used to save underlying data for report plots. """ mode = 'a' if overwrite: mode = 'w' hdf = h5py.File(output, mode) hdf.create_dataset(data_name, data=data) hdf.close() return
[docs]@contextmanager def timer(message="Elapsed time: %.3f s", logger=None): """Context manager to log the elapsed time of a code block. Parameters ---------- message : str Percent-formatted string to display the elapsed time logger : str Name of logger to use """ ti = default_timer() yield tf = default_timer() log = get_logger(logger), tf - ti)
[docs]def combine_tag_names(tag_name_list): """Generate sensible output from a list of tuples containing anode and cathode contact names. """ targets = [join_tag_tuple(target) for target in tag_name_list] return targets
def join_tag_tuple(tag_tuple): # Check if there is single-target stimulation if tag_tuple[0].find(",") == -1: return "-".join(tag_tuple) # First element of the tag tuple will be anodes, the second cathodes anodes = [el for el in tag_tuple[0].split(",")] cathodes = [el for el in tag_tuple[1].split(",")] pairs = ["-".join((anodes[i], cathodes[i])) for i in range(len(anodes))] joined = ":".join(pairs) return joined
[docs]def sanitize_comma_sep_list(input_list): """Clean up a string with comma-separated values to remove 0 elements.""" tokens = input_list.split(",") tokens = [token for token in tokens if token != "0"] output = ",".join(tokens) return output
[docs]def extract_subject_montage(subject_id): """ Extract the subject ID and montage number from the subject ID Parameters ---------- subject_id: str Subject identifier Returns ------- str: Subject identifier with montage information removed int: Montage number """ tokens = subject_id.split('_') montage = 0 if len(tokens) == 1 else int(tokens[1]) subject = tokens[0] return subject, montage
[docs]def extract_experiment_series(experiment): """ Extract the experiment series number from experiment name Parameters ---------- experiment: str Name of the experiment Returns ------- str Series number in string format (to accommodate PS2.1). If experiment was invalid, None is returned """ experiment = str(experiment) if experiment == 'PS2.1': return '2.1' # This can happen if the experiment is extracted from an empty recarray if experiment == '': return None # Assume series is the last value return experiment[-1]
[docs]def is_stim_experiment(experiment): """ Returns whether or not the given experiment is a stim experiment Parameters ---------- experiment: str Name of the experiment Returns ------- bool Indicator for if the given experiment is a stimulation experiment """ experiment_series = extract_experiment_series(experiment) if 'PS5' in experiment: return True elif 'TICL' in experiment: return True elif experiment_series != '1': return True return False
[docs]def mkdir_p(dirs, mode=0o0777): """Mimic the shell command ``mkdir -p``. Parameters ---------- dirs : str mode : int """ try: os.makedirs(dirs, mode) except: pass
[docs]def bytes_to_str(istring, encoding='utf-8'): """Converts bytes to str in a version-neutral way. Parameters ---------- istring : bytes or str Input string encoding : str Encoding to use when decoding (default: 'utf-8'). Returns ------- string : str """ if hasattr(istring, 'decode'): return istring.decode(encoding=encoding) else: return istring
[docs]def load_event_test_data(datapath, rootdir): """ Modify the path stored in the eegfile field to work with any given root directory at runtime. Used in test data suite to allow running tests rom an arbitrary location that has access to RHINO """ events = np.rec.array(np.load(datapath)) events['eegfile'] = [''.join((rootdir,)+(path.partition('protocols')[1:])) for path in events['eegfile']] return events
[docs]def get_session_str(session_list): """ Combine session numbers into '_' separated string. Used for saving underlying data """ session_list = sorted(session_list) return "_".join([str(s) for s in session_list])
[docs]def get_completed_sessions(subject, experiment, rootdir='/'): """ Get a list of sessions completed of a given experiment by a subject """ json_reader = JsonIndexReader(os.path.join(rootdir, "protocols", "r1.json")) # Find all sessions for the requested experiment. sessions = json_reader.aggregate_values('sessions', subject_alias=subject, experiment=experiment) return sessions
[docs]@contextmanager def tempdir(): """Create a temporary directory and remove its contents upon completion.""" d = tempfile.mkdtemp() yield d try: shutil.rmtree(d) except: pass
[docs]def extract_report_info_from_path(file_path): """ Exploit the naming convention to parse underlying data into its components """ stripped_name = file_path[file_path.rfind('/') + 1:] tokens = stripped_name.split('_') subject = tokens[0] try: montage = int(tokens[1]) exp_start = 2 except ValueError: montage = 0 exp_start = 1 experiment = tokens[exp_start] sessions = [] i = exp_start + 1 while(True): try: session = int(tokens[i]) sessions.append(session) i += 1 except ValueError: break file_plus_extension = '_'.join(tokens[i:]) file_tokens = file_plus_extension.split('.') file_name = file_tokens[0] file_type = file_tokens[1] results = { 'subject': subject, 'experiment': experiment, 'montage': montage, 'sessions': sessions, 'file_name': file_name, 'file_type': file_type } return results
[docs]@contextmanager def show_log_handlers(): """Prints logging handlers. Used for figuring out what is manipulating logging that shouldn't be. """ root_logger = logging.getLogger() logger = get_logger() def print_handlers(): print("root_logger:", root_logger.handlers) print("logger:", logger.handlers) print("before") print_handlers() yield print("after") print_handlers()
[docs]def encode_file(fd): """ Produces a base64-encoded version of the data inside the file-like object fd. :param fd: :return: str """ return base64.b64encode(