Command-line usage


For generating configuration files in production, always use the RAM_clinical account on rhino.


Except for cachedir, which is treated differently due to an issue on macOS and sshfs-mounted filesystems,

class center

All paths are relative to the root path

Ramulator configuration generation

Ramulator experiment configuration files for stimulation experiments are generated via the ramulator-conf script:

usage: ramulator-conf [-h] [--root ROOT] [--dest DEST] [--cachedir CACHEDIR]
                      --subject SUBJECT [--use-cached] --experiment
                      [--vispath VISPATH] [--version]
                      [--localization LOCALIZATION] [--montage MONTAGE]
                      [--electrode-config-file ELECTRODE_CONFIG_FILE]
                      [--anodes ANODES [ANODES ...]]
                      [--cathodes CATHODES [CATHODES ...]]
                      [--min-amplitudes MIN_AMPLITUDES [MIN_AMPLITUDES ...]]
                      [--max-amplitudes MAX_AMPLITUDES [MAX_AMPLITUDES ...]]
                      [--target-amplitudes TARGET_AMPLITUDES [TARGET_AMPLITUDES ...]]
                      [--trigger-pairs TRIGGER_PAIRS [TRIGGER_PAIRS ...]]
                      [--no-extended-blanking] [--use-common-reference]
                      [--default-area DEFAULT_AREA | --area-file AREA_FILE]

Generate experiment configs for Ramulator

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --root ROOT           path to rhino root (default: /)
  --dest DEST, -d DEST  directory to write output to relative to ROOT
                        (default: scratch/ramutils)
  --cachedir CACHEDIR   absolute path for caching dir
  --subject SUBJECT, -s SUBJECT
                        subject ID
  --use-cached          allow cached results from previous run to be reused
  --experiment {AmplitudeDetermination,PS4_FR5,PS4_CatFR5,PS5_FR,PS5_CatFR,FR3,CatFR3,PAL3,FR5,CatFR5,PAL5,FR6,CatFR6,FR1,CatFR1,PAL1,DBOY1}, -x {AmplitudeDetermination,PS4_FR5,PS4_CatFR5,PS5_FR,PS5_CatFR,FR3,CatFR3,PAL3,FR5,CatFR5,PAL5,FR6,CatFR6,FR1,CatFR1,PAL1,DBOY1}
  --vispath VISPATH     path to save task graph visualization to
  --version             show program's version number and exit
                        localization number (default: 0)
  --montage MONTAGE, -m MONTAGE
                        montage number (default: 0)
                        path to existing electrode config CSV file
  --anodes ANODES [ANODES ...], -a ANODES [ANODES ...]
                        stim anode labels
  --cathodes CATHODES [CATHODES ...], -c CATHODES [CATHODES ...]
                        stim cathode labels
  --min-amplitudes MIN_AMPLITUDES [MIN_AMPLITUDES ...]
                        minimum stim amplitudes
  --max-amplitudes MAX_AMPLITUDES [MAX_AMPLITUDES ...]
                        maximum stim amplitudes
                        target stim amplitudes
  --trigger-pairs TRIGGER_PAIRS [TRIGGER_PAIRS ...]
                        underscore separated trigger electrode pairs (e.g.,
                        disable extended blanking
  --use-common-reference, -R
                        generate common reference electrode config instead of
  --default-area DEFAULT_AREA, -A DEFAULT_AREA
                        surface area to use for all contacts (default: 0.001)
  --area-file AREA_FILE
                        path to area.txt file relative to root
  --clear-log           clear the log

Anodes, cathodes, and amplitudes must all be specified in the same order. In other words, if using stim channels LAD8_LAD9, LAH1_LAH2 with amplitudes 0.5 mA, the relevant options would be given as:

--anodes LAD8 LAH1 --cathodes LAD9 LAH2 --target-amplitudes 0.5 0.5

Specifying surface areas

Surface areas for contacts are defined in an area.txt file which by default should live in the same directory as jacksheet.txt (for example, /data/eeg/R1374T/docs on rhino). The format for this file is:

<lead label 1> <surface area in mm**2>
<lead label 2> <surface area in mm**2>

where “lead labels” are the label for a contact preceding the contact number. This assumes that contacts are labeled in such a way that a label is unique for a given sized contact. In other words, for combined macro/micro contacts, the macro contacts must be labeled differently than the micro contacts. An example area.txt file for subject R1347D would look like:

ROFD 6.1839
LOFD 6.1839
RAD 6.1839
LAD 6.1839
RAHCD 6.1839
LAHCD 6.1839
RPHCD 6.1839
LPHCD 6.1839
RID 6.1839
LID 6.1839
RMCD 6.1839
LMCD 6.1839
RPTD 6.1839
LPTD 6.1839
RACD 6.1839
LACD 6.1839


Alternatively in this case, the --default-surface-area (or -A) option could be used since all contacts share the same surface area.

The logic for determining what to use for surface areas is as follows:

  • Use the file specified with the --area-file option if given
  • If not found, use the default surface area (0.001 if not specified, otherwise the value specified with the --default-surface-area option)
  • If no --area-file option is given, try to load area.txt from the docs directory
  • If no area file is found, use the default surface area as described above


Dimensions in powers don’t seem to match

Sometimes, there might be an error such as this:

IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 1; dimension is 170 but corresponding boolean dimension is 168

This is likely caused by trying to autogenerate an electrode config file which doesn’t match with what was actually used in experiments. The workaround is to explicitly pass an electrode config file that is generated manually with the --electrode-config-file option.

Report generation

Reports are generated with the ram-report command-line script:

usage: ram-report [-h] [--root ROOT] [--dest DEST] [--cachedir CACHEDIR]
                  --subject SUBJECT [--force-rerun] --experiment
                  [--vispath VISPATH] [--sessions SESSIONS [SESSIONS ...]]
                  [--excluded-contacts EXCLUDED_CONTACTS [EXCLUDED_CONTACTS ...]]

Generate a report

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --root ROOT           path to rhino root (default: /)
  --dest DEST, -d DEST  directory to write output to relative to ROOT
                        (default: scratch/ramutils)
  --cachedir CACHEDIR   absolute path for caching dir
  --subject SUBJECT, -s SUBJECT
                        subject ID
  --force-rerun         force re-running all tasks
  --experiment {FR1,CatFR1,PAL1,PS4_FR5,PS4_CatFR5,FR3,CatFR3,PAL3,FR5,CatFR5,PAL5,FR6,CatFR6,AmplitudeDetermination,PS4_FR5,PS4_CatFR5,FR6,CatFR6}, -x {FR1,CatFR1,PAL1,PS4_FR5,PS4_CatFR5,FR3,CatFR3,PAL3,FR5,CatFR5,PAL5,FR6,CatFR6,AmplitudeDetermination,PS4_FR5,PS4_CatFR5,FR6,CatFR6}
  --vispath VISPATH     path to save task graph visualization to
                        sessions to read data from (default: use all)
  --retrain, -R         retrain classifier rather than loading from disk
                        contacts to exclude from classifier
  --joint-report, -j    include CatFR/FR for FR reports (default: off)