Source code for ramutils.tasks.odin

"""Tasks specific to the Medtronic Odin ENS."""

from datetime import datetime
import functools
import json
import os.path
import shutil
import warnings
import ramutils.parameters # ExperimentSpecs,PS4ExperimentSpecs,TICLExperimentSpecs,LocationSearchExperimentSpecs

    from typing import List
except ImportError:

from bptools.odin import ElectrodeConfig
from classiflib import ClassifierContainer

from ramutils.constants import EXPERIMENTS
from ramutils.exc import MissingArgumentsError
from ramutils.log import get_logger
from ramutils.tasks import task

__all__ = [


logger = get_logger()

[docs]@task(cache=False) def generate_electrode_config(subject, paths, anodes=None, cathodes=None, localization=0, montage=0, default_surface_area=0.001, use_common_reference=False): """Generate electrode configuration files (CSV and binary). Parameters ---------- subject : str Subjebct ID paths : FilePaths anodes : List[str] List of stim anode labels. cathodes : List[str] List of stim cathode labels. localization : int Localization number (default: 0) montage : int Montage number (default: 0) default_surface_area : float Default surface area to set all electrodes to in mm^2. Only used if no area file can be found. use_common_reference : bool Use common reference instead of bipolar referencing scheme. Returns ------- paths : FilePaths Updated :class:`FilePaths` object with path to the electrode config file defined. Notes ----- At present, this will only allow for generating hardware-bipolar electrode config files. """ docs_dir = os.path.join(paths.root, 'data', 'eeg', subject, 'docs') jacksheet_filename = os.path.join(docs_dir, 'jacksheet.txt') area = os.path.join(docs_dir, 'area.txt') if not os.path.exists(area): if paths.area_file is not None: area = paths.area_file else: logger.warning("No area file found. " "Using default value of %f for all electrodes!", default_surface_area) area = default_surface_area scheme = 'monopolar' if use_common_reference else 'bipolar' ec = ElectrodeConfig.from_jacksheet(jacksheet_filename, subject, area=area, scheme=scheme) if anodes is not None: assert cathodes is not None assert len(cathodes) == len(anodes) for labels in zip(anodes, cathodes): ec.add_stim_channel(*labels) date ='%d%b%Y').upper() stim_str = "STIM" if anodes is not None: if not len(anodes): stim_str = "NOSTIM" else: stim_str = "NOSTIM" prefix = '{subject:s}_{date:s}L{localization:d}M{montage:d}{stim:s}'.format( subject=subject, date=date, localization=localization, montage=montage, stim=stim_str, ) csv_path = os.path.join(paths.root, paths.dest, prefix + '.csv') bin_path = csv_path.replace('.csv', '.bin') ec.to_csv(csv_path)"Wrote CSV electrode config: %s", csv_path) ec.to_bin(bin_path)"Wrote binary electrode config: %s", bin_path) paths.electrode_config_file = csv_path return paths
def _make_experiment_specific_data_section(experiment, stim_params, classifier_file, classifier_version=CLASSIFIER_VERSION, trigger_pairs=None): """Return a dict containing the config section ``experiment_specific_data``. Parameters ---------- experiment : str stim_params : dict classifier_file : str classifier_version : str trigger_pairs : List[str] or None Returns ------- dict representation of the ``experiment_specific_data`` section. """ if experiment in EXPERIMENTS['record_only']: return {} def make_stim_channel_section(params, key): stub = { "stim_duration": 500, "stim_frequency": 200 } if experiment.startswith('PS') or experiment == 'AmplitudeDetermination': stub.update({ 'min_stim_amplitude': params[key]['min_stim_amplitude'], 'max_stim_amplitude': params[key]['max_stim_amplitude'] }) else: stub.update({ 'stim_amplitude': params[key]['stim_amplitude'] }) # We also need num_amplitudes for PS5 experiments. Note that it is # fixed at 3 for now, but may become a command-line option later. if experiment.startswith('PS5'): stub.update({ 'num_amplitudes': 3, }) return stub # Add top-level stuff for experiments that require it if not experiment.startswith('PS5'): esd = { "allow_classifier_generalization": True, "classifier_file": "config_files/{}".format(classifier_file), "classifier_version": classifier_version, "random_stim_prob": False, "save_debug_output": True } else: esd = {} # Why oh why must everything be a special snowflake? key = 'stim_electrode_pairs' if experiment == 'AmplitudeDetermination' else 'stim_channels' esd[key] = { label: make_stim_channel_section(stim_params, label) for label in stim_params } # Add trigger section for PS5 if experiment.startswith('PS5'): esd['trigger'] = {'pairs': trigger_pairs} # LocationSearch-specific section if experiment == "LocationSearch": esd["location_search"] = { "stim_events_per_channel": 30, "num_sham_channels": 1, "isi_min": 2750, "isi_max": 3250 } return esd def _make_experiment_specs_section(experiment): """Generate the ``experiment_specs`` config section. Parameters ---------- experiment : str Returns ------- ``experiment_specs`` dict """ if experiment in EXPERIMENTS['record_only']: return {} if 'PS4' in experiment: specs = ramutils.parameters.PS4ExperimentSpecs() elif 'TICL' in experiment: specs = ramutils.parameters.TICLExperimentSpecs() elif experiment == "LocationSearch": specs = ramutils.parameters.LocationSearchExperimentSpecs() else: specs = ramutils.parameters.ExperimentSpecs() specs.experiment_type = experiment return specs.to_dict() def _make_ramulator_config_json(subject, experiment, electrode_config_file, stim_params, classifier_file=None, classifier_version=None, extended_blanking=True, trigger_pairs=None): """Create the Ramulator ``experiment_config.json`` file. Parameters ---------- subject : str experiment : str electrode_config_file : str stim_params : dict classifier_file : str classifier_version : str extended_blanking : bool trigger_pairs : List[str] or None Returns ------- str Notes ----- Not all settings are actually used in all experiments. For example, there are several stim-specific settings that we always write here even for record-only experiments. When not used, they are simply ignored by Ramulator. """ no_task_laptop = [ "AmplitudeDetermination", "LocationSearch", ] # FIXME: Remove this hard-coding config = { 'subject': subject, 'experiment': { 'type': experiment, 'experiment_specific_data': _make_experiment_specific_data_section(experiment, stim_params, classifier_file, classifier_version, trigger_pairs), 'experiment_specs': _make_experiment_specs_section(experiment), 'artifact_detection': _make_artifact_detection_section(experiment), }, "biomarker_threshold": 0.5, "electrode_config_file": "config_files/{}".format(electrode_config_file), "montage_file": "config_files/pairs.json", "excluded_montage_file": "config_files/excluded_pairs.json", "global_settings": { "data_dir": "SET_AUTOMATICALLY_AT_A_RUNTIME", "experiment_config_filename": "SET_AUTOMATICALLY_AT_A_RUNTIME", "extended_blanking": extended_blanking, "plot_fps": 5, "plot_window_length": 20000, "plot_update_style": "Sweeping", "max_session_length": 120, "sampling_rate": 1000, "odin_lib_debug_level": 0, "connect_to_task_laptop": ( True if experiment not in no_task_laptop else False ) } } return json.dumps(config, indent=2, sort_keys=True) def _make_artifact_detection_section(experiment): params = ramutils.parameters.ArtifactDetectionParams() params.allow_artifact_detection = experiment.startswith('PS4') return params.to_dict()
[docs]@task(cache=False) def generate_ramulator_config(subject, experiment, container, stim_params, paths, pairs=None, excluded_pairs=None, exp_params=None, extended_blanking=True, trigger_pairs=None): """Create configuration files for Ramulator. In hardware bipolar mode, the neurorad pipeline generates a ``pairs.json`` file that differs from the electrode configured pairs. It is up to the user of the pipeline to ensure that the path to the correct ``pairs.json`` is supplied (although Ramulator does not use it in this case). Parameters ---------- subject : str experiment : str container : ClassifierContainer or None serialized classifier stim_params : List[StimParameters] list of stimulation parameters paths : FilePaths excluded_pairs : dict Pairs excluded from the classifier (pairs that contain a stim contact and possibly some others) exp_params : ExperimentParameters All parameters used in training the classifier. This is partially redundant with some data stored in the ``container`` object. extended_blanking : bool Whether or not to enable the ENS extended blanking (default: True). trigger_pairs : List[str] or None Pairs to be used for triggering stim in PS5. Returns ------- zip_path : str Path to generated configuration zip file """ no_classifier_experiments = ( ["AmplitudeDetermination", "LocationSearch"] + EXPERIMENTS["record_only"] + ["PS5_FR", "PS5_CatFR"] ) if container is None and experiment not in no_classifier_experiments: raise MissingArgumentsError("container must not be None") if experiment.startswith('PS5') and trigger_pairs is None: raise MissingArgumentsError("trigger_pairs needed for PS5") subject = subject.split('_')[0] stim_dict = { stim_param.label: { "min_stim_amplitude": stim_param.min_amplitude, "max_stim_amplitude": stim_param.max_amplitude, "stim_frequency": stim_param.frequency, "stim_duration": stim_param.duration, "stim_amplitude": stim_param.target_amplitude, } for stim_param in stim_params } # Put all files in a "clean" directory in the destination path. This just # creates a timestamped folder so that we don't end up bundling up files # that were around from a previous experiment config generation run. dest = paths.dest clean_dir ='%Y%m%d_%H%m%S') config_dir_root = os.path.join(dest, clean_dir, subject, experiment) config_files_dir = os.path.join(config_dir_root, 'config_files') try: os.makedirs(config_files_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: # File exists raise classifier_path = os.path.join( config_files_dir, '{}'.format(subject)) ec_prefix, _ = os.path.splitext(paths.electrode_config_file) experiment_config_content = _make_ramulator_config_json( subject, experiment, os.path.basename(ec_prefix + '.bin'), stim_dict, os.path.basename(classifier_path), CLASSIFIER_VERSION, extended_blanking=extended_blanking, trigger_pairs=trigger_pairs, ) with open(os.path.join(config_dir_root, 'experiment_config.json'), 'w') as f: f.write(experiment_config_content) if container is not None:, overwrite=True) # Save some typing below... conffile = functools.partial(os.path.join, config_files_dir) # Write pairs.json and excluded_pairs.json to the config directory. We can # give pairs.json as a parameter (generally when read from the electrode # config file) or as a path (when using the neurorad pipeline's pairs.json). if pairs is not None: with open(conffile('pairs.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(pairs, f) else: shutil.copy(paths.pairs, conffile('pairs.json')) if excluded_pairs is not None: # Make format of excluded pairs more standard excluded_pairs = {subject: {'pairs': excluded_pairs}} with open(conffile('excluded_pairs.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(excluded_pairs, f) # Copy electrode config files csv = paths.electrode_config_file bin = csv.replace('.csv', '.bin') shutil.copy(csv, conffile(os.path.basename(csv))) shutil.copy(bin, conffile(os.path.basename(bin))) # Serialize experiment parameters if exp_params is not None: exp_params.to_hdf(os.path.join(config_dir_root, 'exp_params.h5')) else: if experiment not in no_classifier_experiments: warnings.warn("No ExperimentParameters object passed; " "classifier may not be 100% reproducible", UserWarning) filename_tmpl = '{subject:s}_{experiment:s}{pairs:s}{date:s}' if experiment != "LocationSearch": pair_str = '_' + "_".join([pair.label for pair in stim_params] ) + '_' if len(stim_params) else '_' else: # These names get very long for LocationSearch experiments, so just # include the anode labels. This allows for at least some level of # human readability in cases where we might have more than one set of # stim pairs to test. pair_str = ("_" + "_".join([pair.anode_label for pair in stim_params]) + "_") zip_prefix = os.path.join(dest, filename_tmpl.format( subject=subject, experiment=experiment, pairs=pair_str,'%d%b%Y').upper() )) zip_path = zip_prefix + '.zip' shutil.make_archive(zip_prefix, 'zip', root_dir=config_dir_root)"Created experiment_config zip file: %s", zip_path) return zip_path