Source code for ramutils.parameters

"""Common experimental/model parameters."""

import os.path
import numpy as np
from traits.api import Int, Float, Bool, Array, String
from traitschema import Schema

[docs]class StimParameters(Schema): """Single-channel stimulation parameters.""" anode_label = String(desc="stim anode label") cathode_label = String(desc="stim cathode label") anode = Int(desc="stim anode contact number") cathode = Int(desc="stim cathode contact number") frequency = Float(200., desc="stim pulse frequency [Hz]") duration = Float(500., desc="stim duration [ms]") # used in fixed-amplitidue experiments target_amplitude = Float(0.5, desc="stim amplitude [mA]") # used in variable-amplitude experiments min_amplitude = Float(0.1, desc="minimum allowable stim amplitude [mA]") max_amplitude = Float(2.0, desc="maximum allowable stim amplitude [mA]") @property def label(self): return "_".join([self.anode_label, self.cathode_label])
[docs]class FilePaths(object): """Paths to files that frequently get passed around to many tasks. All paths given relative to the root path but are converted to absolute paths on creation. Keyword arguments ----------------- root : str Rhino mount point. dest : str Directory to write files to. pairs : str Path to ``pairs.json``. excluded_pairs : str Path to ``excluded_pairs.json``. electrode_config_file : str Path to electrode config file. area_file : str Path to surface area file. When generating Odin configuration files and not defined, the default behavior is to look in the same directory as the jacksheet for a file named ``area.txt``. data_db: str Path to directory where permanently-cached underlying data for reports should be stored. In general, this should only be specified when testing, otherwise the default location should be used """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # root is the only required kwarg self.root = os.path.expanduser(kwargs['root']) def get(key): return kwargs.get(key, None) def makepath(key): p = kwargs.get(key, None) return os.path.join(self.root, p.lstrip('/')) if p is not None else p self.dest = makepath('dest') self.pairs = makepath('pairs') self.excluded_pairs = makepath('excluded_pairs') self.electrode_config_file = makepath('electrode_config_file') self.area_file = makepath('area_file') self.data_db = makepath('data_db')
[docs]class ExperimentParameters(Schema): """ Common parameters used in an experiment. Default values apply to the FR class of experiments. """ width = Int(5, desc='wavelet width') freqs = Array(value=np.logspace(np.log10(6), np.log10(180), 8), desc='frequencies to compute powers for') hfa_cutoff = Int( 65, desc="Lowers frequency that will be considered a 'high frequency'") trigger_freq = Int( 110, desc="Frequency to use for PS5 pseudo closed-loop experiment") log_powers = Bool(True, desc="If true, log of powers will be returned " "rather than raw values") normalize_powers = Bool( True, desc="If true, powers will be normalized by partition (encoding/retrieval/pal) and within session using standard (x - mu) / sigma") filt_order = Int(4, desc="Butterworth filter order") penalty_type = String('l2', desc='logistic regression penalty type') C = Float(7.2e-4, desc='inverse of regularization strength') n_perm = Int( 200, desc='number of permutations to use for cross-validation') solver = String( 'liblinear', desc='algorithm to use in optimization process') baseline_removal_start_time = Int(1000, desc="The amount of time to " "skip at the beginning of " "the sessions [ms]") retrieval_time = Int(29000, desc="The amount of time within the recall " "period to consider") empty_epoch_duration = Int(500, desc="The length of desired empty " "epochs [ms]") pre_event_buf = Int(2000, desc="The time before each event to exclude [" "ms]") post_event_buf = Int(1000, desc="The time after each event to exclude [" "ms]") inter_response_time = Int(1000, desc="Duration between events required " "for a recall event to have " "occured after some sort of " "cognitive process [ms]") number_of_items = Int(12, desc='default number of items per list')
[docs]class FRParameters(ExperimentParameters): """Free recall experiment parameters relevant for classification.""" encoding_start_time = Float(0., desc="encoding start time [s]") encoding_end_time = Float(1.366, desc="encoding end time [s]") encoding_buf = Float(1.365, desc="encoding buffer time [s]") retrieval_start_time = Float(-0.525, desc="retrieval start time [s]") retrieval_end_time = Float(0., desc="retrieval end time [s]") retrieval_buf = Float(0.524, desc="retrieval buffer time [s]") post_stim_start_time = Float(0.030, desc="post stim period start time [s]") post_stim_end_time = Float(0.555, desc="post stim period end time [s]") post_stim_buf = Float(0.524, desc="post stim period buffer time [s]") encoding_only = Bool(False, desc="use encoding-only classifier") encoding_multiplier = Float(4.375, desc="weighting factor for encoding " "samples") combine_events = Bool(True, desc="combine record-only events for " "classifier training")
[docs]class PALParameters(FRParameters): """ Paired associates experiment parameters relevant for classification. It inhertis all of the same parameters as FR experiments and adds a few more """ pal_start_time = Float(0.3, desc="encoding start time for PAL [s]") pal_end_time = Float(2.00, desc="encoding end time for PAL [s]") pal_buf_time = Float(1.2) pal_retrieval_start_time = Float(-0.625, desc="retrieval start time for " "PAL [s]") pal_retrieval_end_time = Float(-0.1, desc="retrieval end time for PAL [s]") pal_retrieval_buf = Float(0.524, desc="retrieval buffer for PAL [s]") encoding_multiplier = Float(7.2, desc="weighting factor for encoding " "samples in PAL") pal_multiplier = Float(1.93, desc="weighting factor for PAL samples")
[docs]class PS5Parameters(FRParameters): """ PS5 experiment parameters """ normalize_powers = Bool(False)
# Fields for experiment configs class ExperimentSpecs(Schema): """ Commont values for the "experiment_specs" section of the experiment config file """ version = String("3.0.0", desc="experiment version") experiment_type = String() biomarker_sample_start_time_offset = Int(0) biomarker_sample_time_length = Int(1366) buffer_time = Int(1365) stim_duration = Int(500) freq_min = Int(6) freq_max = Int(180) num_freqs = Int(8) num_items = Int(300) class PS4ExperimentSpecs(ExperimentSpecs): """ PS4-specific values for the "experiment_specs" section of the experiment config file """ retrieval_biomarker_sample_start_time_offset = Int(0), retrieval_biomarker_sample_time_length = Int(525), retrieval_buffer_time = Int(524), post_stim_biomarker_sample_time_length = Int( 500), post_stim_buffer_time = Int( 499) post_stim_wait_time = Int(100) class TICLExperimentSpecs(ExperimentSpecs): """ TICLFR-specific values for the "experiment_specs" section of the experiment config file """ biomarker_sample_time_length = Int(525) buffer_time = Int(524) version = String("5.0.0") post_stim_wait_time = Int(30) post_stim_buffer_time = Int(524) post_stim_biomarker_sample_length = Int(525) refractory_duration = Int(0) class LocationSearchExperimentSpecs(ExperimentSpecs): """ LocationSearch-specific values for the "experiment_specs" section of the experiment config file """ biomarker_sample_start_time_offset = Int(0) biomarker_sample_time_length = Int(525) buffer_time = Int(524) experiment_type = String("LocationSearch") post_stim_biomarker_sample_length = Int(525) post_stim_buffer_time = Int(524) post_stim_wait_time = Int(30) refractory_duration = Int(0) class ArtifactDetectionParams(Schema): """ Settings for pre-task artifact detection """ allow_artifact_detection = Bool(False) pre_start = Int(-440) pre_stop = Int(-40) post_start = Int(250) post_stop = Int(650) sham_events = Int(30) stim_events = Int(30) isi_min = Int(1500) isi_max = Int (2000) method = String("ttest") # zscore (Uma's method) or ttest (Ethan's method) std_threshold = Int(2) event_threshold = Float(0.5), ttest_threshold = Float( 0.001)