Source code for


    A collection of utility functions for loading, cleaning, normalizing, and
    combining events. There are also a smattering of other helper function for
    selecting specific types of events. In general, the following steps must be
    taken to go from raw (on-disk) events to events that can be analyzed:

        1. Load: Load events from disk into memory
        2. Clean: Perform standard sets of cleaning operations
        3. Normalize: Modify fields and values so that events from different
           experiment can be easily combined


import os
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from itertools import groupby
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import rename_fields

from import BaseEventReader, JsonIndexReader, EEGReader
from ramutils.utils import extract_subject_montage, get_completed_sessions, extract_experiment_series
from ramutils.exc import *
from ramutils.retrieval import create_matched_events,append_fields

[docs]def load_events(subject, experiment, file_type='all_events', sessions=None, rootdir='/'): """ Load events for a specific subject and experiment. If no events are found, an empty recarray with the correct datatypes are returned Parameters ---------- subject: str experiment: str file_type: str The name of the event file to load, i.e. all_events, task_events, math_events, ps4_events. Default is 'all_events' sessions: iterable or None rootdir: str Returns ------- np.rec.array A numpy recarray containing all events for the requested subject, experiment, and session(s) """ json_reader = JsonIndexReader(os.path.join(rootdir, "protocols", "r1.json")) if sessions is None: sessions = get_completed_sessions(subject, experiment, rootdir=rootdir) # Make sure sessions are integers since this is required to check the max sessions = [int(s) for s in sessions] # If the given sessions have offsets, then remove, otherwise leave them alone sessions_to_load = sessions if len(sessions_to_load) > 0: if max(sessions) >= 100: sessions_to_load = remove_session_number_offsets( experiment, sessions) event_files = [] for session in sorted(sessions_to_load): try: event_file = json_reader.get_value(file_type, subject_alias=subject, experiment=experiment, session=session) event_files.append(event_file) # If an event file cannot be found for a session, skip that session except ValueError: continue event_files = sorted(event_files) # Update the paths based on the given root directory. This makes it easier # to run tests and use a mounted file system event_files = [os.path.join(rootdir, event_file) for event_file in event_files] if len(event_files) == 0: empty_recarray = initialize_empty_event_reccarray() return empty_recarray try: events = np.rec.array(np.concatenate([ BaseEventReader(filename=f, eliminate_events_with_no_eeg=True).read() for f in event_files])) except Exception: raise DataLoadingError( 'Could not load events for %s, %s' % (subject, experiment)) return events
[docs]def clean_events(events, start_time=None, end_time=None, duration=None, pre=None, post=None, return_stim_events=False, all_events=False): """ Peform basic cleaning operations on events such as removing incomplete sessions, negative offset events, and incomplete lists. For FR events, baseline events needs to be found. Events are then normalized so that cross-experiment events can be merged. Parameters ---------- events: np.recarray Raw events start_time: int end_time: int duration: int pre: int post: int return_stim_events: bool Indicator for if stim parameters should be returned in addition to the cleaned events all_events: bool Indicates if the data to be cleaned is the all_event.json file. These require a different set of cleaning procedures Returns ------- np.recarray Cleaned set of events Notes ----- This function should be called on an experiment by experiment basis and should not be used to clean cross-experiment datasets """ experiments = extract_experiment_from_events(events) series_num = extract_experiment_series(experiments[0]) if all_events: all_fields = list(events.dtype.names) if (series_num != "1") and (series_num is not None): if "stim_params" in all_fields: all_fields.remove('stim_params') if "test" in all_fields: all_fields.remove('test') all_events = events[all_fields].copy() return all_events # If you clean 'all_events' for joint reports, there will be multiple # experiments, so only check this after determining if you are cleaning # combined events if len(experiments) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Event cleaning can only happen on single-experiment' ' datasets') experiment = experiments[0] events = remove_negative_offsets(events) events = remove_voice_detection(events) # Only for PS5 do we want to keep the practice list around so we can know # what the baseline mean power was for the session, but we still need to get # rid of the events with -999 for list if all(['PS5' not in experiment for experiment in experiments]): events = remove_practice_lists(events) else: events = events[events.list >= -1] events = remove_incomplete_lists(events) events = select_column_subset(events, all_relevant=True) # separate_stim_events is called within the task-specific functions # because the columns to subset differs by task if "FR" in experiment: events, stim_params = separate_stim_events(events) if "TICL" not in experiment: events = insert_baseline_retrieval_events(events, start_time, end_time, duration, pre, post) events = remove_intrusions(events) events = update_recall_outcome_for_retrieval_events(events) events = normalize_fr_events(events) elif "PAL" in experiment: events, stim_params = separate_stim_events(events, pal=True) events = subset_pal_events(events) events = update_pal_retrieval_events(events) events = remove_nonresponses(events) events = normalize_pal_events(events) else: stim_params = initialize_empty_stim_reccarray() events = update_subject(events) if return_stim_events: return events, stim_params return events
[docs]def remove_session_number_offsets(experiment, sessions): """ Given a list of sessions to include, undo the offsets for catFR and PAL so the sessions can be looked up correctly in the r1.json file """ if sessions is None: return sessions elif experiment.find("PAL") != -1: relevant_sessions = [(sess - 200) for sess in sessions if sess >= 200] elif experiment.find("cat") != -1: relevant_sessions = [(sess - 100) for sess in sessions if (sess >= 100 and sess < 200)] elif experiment.find("FR") != -1: relevant_sessions = [sess for sess in sessions if sess < 100] elif experiment.find("PS") != -1: relevant_sessions = [sess for sess in sessions if sess < 100] else: raise RuntimeError( "Only Fr/catFR/PAL session numbering with offsets is supported") return relevant_sessions
[docs]def update_subject(events): """ Ensure subject field is populated for all events """ subject = extract_subject(events) events.subject = subject return events
def normalize_fr_events(events): events = combine_retrieval_events(events) if 'category_num' not in events.dtype.names: events = add_field(events, 'category_num', 999, '<i8') if 'phase' not in events.dtype.names: events = add_field(events, 'phase', '', '<U256') events = select_column_subset(events, cat=True) return events
[docs]def normalize_pal_events(events): """ Perform any normalization to PAL event so make the homogeneous enough so that it is trivial to combine with other experiment events. """ events = rename_correct_to_recalled(events) events = coerce_study_pair_to_word_event(events) if 'phase' not in events.dtype.names: events = add_field(events, 'phase', '', '<U256') if 'matched' not in events.dtype.names: events = add_field(events, 'matched', True, np.bool_) events = add_field(events, 'item_name', 'X', '<U256') events = add_field(events, 'category_num', 999, '<i8') return events
[docs]def separate_stim_events(events, pal=False, stim=True, cat=False): """ Separate stim params contained within events structure from the 1-D events. The returned events and stim_params are both 1-dimensional Parameters ---------- pal stim cat events: np.recarray Event structure Return ------ events: np.reccary 1D event structure with stim params removed stim_params: np.recarray 2D stim params strsucture """ # Short-circuit if no stim params field (non stim experiment) or no events if (len(events) == 0) or ('stim_params' not in events.dtype.names): stim_params = initialize_empty_stim_reccarray() return events, stim_params stim_cols = get_required_columns(pal=pal, stim=stim, cat=cat) all_cols = get_required_columns(pal) all_fields = list(events.dtype.names) # Historically, some event files do not have a phase field, but we need # it if it is there stim_cols = [col for col in stim_cols if col in all_fields] all_fields.remove('stim_params') stim_params = events[stim_cols] events = events[all_fields] return events, stim_params
[docs]def rename_correct_to_recalled(events): """Normalizes PAL "recall" event names to match those of FR experiments. Parameters ---------- events: np.recarray Returns ------- np.recarray Events with a 'recalled' field added to mirror the 'correct' field """ events = rename_fields(events, {'correct': 'recalled'}) return events
[docs]def add_field(events, field_name, default_val, dtype): """ Add field to the recarray Notes ----- Converting to a dataframe, adding the field, and reconverting to a recarray because the rec_append_fields function in numpy doesn't seem to work """ events_df = pd.DataFrame(events) events_df[field_name] = default_val orig_dtypes = build_dtype_list(events.dtype) # Add the given field and type to dtype list orig_dtypes.append((field_name, dtype)) events = dataframe_to_recarray(events_df, orig_dtypes) return events
[docs]def build_dtype_list(dtypes): """ Given a numpy.dtype object, return a list of tuples in the form (field_name, field_type_string) """ names = dtypes.names dtype_list = [] for i in range(len(dtypes)): dtype_list.append((names[i], dtypes[i].str)) return dtype_list
[docs]def dataframe_to_recarray(dataframe, dtypes): """ Convert from dataframe to recarray maintaining the original datatypes """ names = [dt[0] for dt in dtypes] events = dataframe.to_records(index=False) # Make sure that all the columns are in the correct order events = events[names].astype(dtypes) events.dtype.names = [str(name) for name in events.dtype.names] return events
[docs]def remove_negative_offsets(events): """ Remove events with a negative eegoffset """ pos_offset_events = events[events['eegoffset'] >= 0] return pos_offset_events
[docs]def remove_voice_detection(events): """ Remove events """ return events[['VOCALIZATION' not in ev['type'] for ev in events]]
[docs]def lookup_sample_rate(subject, experiment, session, rootdir="/"): """ Identify the sample rate used for a session """ base_path = os.path.join(rootdir, 'protocols/r1/subjects/{subject}/experiments/{experiment}/sessions/{session}/ephys/current_processed/sources.json') with open(base_path.format(subject=subject, experiment=experiment, session=session)) as f: contents = json.load(f) first_key = list(contents.keys())[0] sample_rate = contents[first_key]['sample_rate'] return sample_rate
[docs]def remove_incomplete_lists(events): """Remove incomplete lists for every session in the given events. Note, there are two ways that this is done in the reporting code, so it is an outstanding item to determine which method is better """ # TODO: This needs to be cleaned up and tested sessions = np.unique(events.session) final_event_list = [] for session in sessions: sess_events = events[(events.session == session)] # partition events into math and task math_mask = np.in1d(sess_events.type, ['START', 'STOP', 'PROB']) task_events = sess_events[~math_mask] math_events = sess_events[math_mask] final_sess_events = task_events final_sess_events.sort(order=['session', 'list', 'eegoffset']) # Remove all task events for lists that don't have a "REC_END" event events_by_list = (np.array([l for l in list_group]) for listno, list_group in groupby(final_sess_events, lambda x: x.list)) list_has_end = [any([l['type'] == 'REC_END' for l in list_group]) or listno == -999 for listno, list_group in groupby( final_sess_events, lambda x:x.list)] final_sess_events = np.concatenate([e for (e, a) in zip( events_by_list, list_has_end) if a]) # Re-combine math and task events final_sess_events = np.rec.array(np.concatenate([final_sess_events, math_events])) final_sess_events.sort(order=['session', 'list', 'eegoffset']) final_event_list.append(final_sess_events) # METHOD #2 (perhaps less accurate?) We need to figure out which one # should be used. Don't delete for now # try: # last_list = sess_events[sess_events.type == 'REC_END'][-1]['list'] # final_event_list.append(sess_events[sess_events.list <= last_list]) # except IndexError: # final_event_list.append(sess_events) final_events = concatenate_events_for_single_experiment(final_event_list) return final_events
[docs]def remove_nonresponses(events): """ Selects only events that were listed as recalled or not recalled """ events = events[(events.correct == 0) | (events.correct == 1)] return events
[docs]def subset_pal_events(events): """ Only a subset of event types are needed for PAL experiments """ events = events[(events.type == 'STUDY_PAIR') | (events.type == 'TEST_PROBE') | (events.type == 'PROBE_START')] return events
[docs]def update_recall_outcome_for_retrieval_events(events): """Manually override the recall outcomes for baseline retrieval and word retrieval events. All baseline retrieval events should be marked as not recalled and all word events in the recall period should be marked as recalled. This assumes that intrusions have already been removed from the given set of events. It exists merely to serve as an extra check on what should already be true in the raw events data. Parameters ---------- events: np.recarray Returns ------- np.recarray Events containing updated recall outcomes for retrieval events """ events[events.type == 'REC_WORD'].recalled = 1 events[events.type == 'REC_BASE'].recalled = 0 return events
[docs]def update_pal_retrieval_events(events): """Create surrogate responses for retrieval period based on PS4/PAL5 design doc. Surrogate responses are created by identifying trials without any responses. For these trials, a new response time is created based on a random draw from the set of response times from actual responses. """ # Identify the sample rate samplerate = 1000 # extract_sample_rate(events) # Separate retrieval and non-retrieval events retrieval_mask = get_pal_retrieval_events_mask(events) retrieval_events = events[retrieval_mask] nonretrieval_events = events[~retrieval_mask] incorrect_no_response_mask = (retrieval_events.RT == -999) correct_mask = (retrieval_events.correct == 1) correct_response_times = retrieval_events[correct_mask].RT response_time_rand_indices = np.random.randint(0, len(correct_response_times), sum(incorrect_no_response_mask)) retrieval_events.RT[incorrect_no_response_mask] = correct_response_times[ response_time_rand_indices] retrieval_events.type = 'REC_EVENT' retrieval_events.eegoffset = retrieval_events.eegoffset + ( retrieval_events.RT * (samplerate/1000.0)).astype(np.int64) # Staple everything back together cleaned_events = concatenate_events_for_single_experiment([ retrieval_events, nonretrieval_events]) return cleaned_events
[docs]def combine_retrieval_events(events): """ Combine baseline retrieval and actual retrieval events into a single event type. """ events.type[(events.type == 'REC_WORD') | (events.type == 'REC_BASE')] = 'REC_EVENT' return events
[docs]def coerce_study_pair_to_word_event(events): """Update STUDY_PAIR events to be WORD events. These are the same event type, but PAL calls them STUDY_PAIR and FR/catFR call them WORD. In the future, it may make more sense to make an update to event creation instead of coercing the event types here. """ events.type[(events.type == 'STUDY_PAIR')] = 'WORD' return events
[docs]def remove_practice_lists(events): """ Remove practice lists from the set of events """ cleaned_events = events[events.list > -1] return cleaned_events
[docs]def remove_bad_events(events): """Remove events whose offset values would result in trying to read data that is out of bounds in the EEG file. Currently, this is done automatically in PTSA when you load the EEG, but to avoid having to catch updated events when reading the EEG, it should be done ahead of time. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def select_column_subset(events, all_relevant=False, pal=False, stim=False, cat=False): """ Select only the necessary subset of the fields Parameters ---------- events: np.recaarray The set of events to subset from Keyword Arguments ----------------- all_relevant: bool A subset that includes all fields that are subsequently used by any of the experiments pal: bool Fields specific to PAL experiments stim: bool Fields specific to stim experiments cat: bool Fields specific to categorical free recall experiments """ columns = get_required_columns(all_relevant=all_relevant, pal=pal, stim=stim, cat=cat) # Not all columns will always be available. This in handled during event # normalization, so column selection should allow for the non-existence # of a desired column final_columns = [] for col in columns: if col in events.dtype.names: final_columns.append(col) # Explicitly ask for a copy since a view is returned in numpy 1.13 and later events = events[final_columns].copy() return events
[docs]def get_required_columns(all_relevant=False, pal=False, stim=False, cat=False): """ Return baseline mandatory columns based on experiment type Keyword Arguments ----------------- all_relevant: bool A subset that includes all fields that are subsequently used by any of the experiments pal: bool Fields specific to PAL experiments stim: bool Fields specific to stim experiments cat: bool Fields specific to categorical free recall experiments """ # FIXME: This would probably be better as just a dictionary if all_relevant and any([pal, stim, cat]): raise RuntimeError('all cannot be chosen in conjunction with other ' 'options') if cat & pal: raise RuntimeError('cat and pal cannot be selected at the same time') columns = [ 'serialpos', 'session', 'subject', 'rectime', 'experiment', 'mstime', 'type', 'eegoffset', 'recalled', 'intrusion', 'montage', 'list', 'stim_list', 'eegfile', 'msoffset', 'item_name', 'iscorrect', 'phase', 'matched' ] if all_relevant: columns.append('stim_params') columns.append('correct') columns.append('category_num') columns.append('RT') return columns if stim: columns = ['subject', 'experiment', 'session', 'list', 'stim_list', 'mstime', 'eegoffset', 'item_name', 'serialpos', 'type', 'phase', 'stim_params', 'recalled'] if cat: columns.append('category_num') if pal: columns.remove('item_name') columns.remove('recalled') columns.append('correct') return columns
[docs]def initialize_empty_event_reccarray(): """Utility function for generating a recarray that looks normalized, but is empty. """ empty_recarray = np.recarray((0, ), dtype=[('serialpos', '<i8'), ('session', '<i8'), ('subject', '<U256'), ('rectime', '<i8'), ('experiment', '<U256'), ('mstime', '<i8'), ('type', '<U256'), ('eegoffset', '<i8'), ('recalled', '<i8'), ('intrusion', '<i8'), ('montage', '<i8'), ('list', '<i8'), ('stim_list', '<i8'), ('phase', '<U256'), ('eegfile', '<U256'), ('msoffset', '<i8'), ('item_name', '<U256'), ('iscorrect', '<i8')]) return empty_recarray
[docs]def initialize_empty_stim_reccarray(): """ Generate empty recarray that mirrors fields in stim_params """ empty_recarray = np.recarray((0, ), dtype=[('serialpos', '<i8'), ('session', '<i8'), ('subject', '<U256'), ('experiment', '<U256'), ('mstime', '<i8'), ('eegoffset', '<i8'), ('type', '<U256'), ('recalled', '<i8'), ('list', '<i8'), ('stim_list', '<i8'), ('phase', '<U256'), ('item_name', '<U256'), ('stim_params', '<U256')]) return empty_recarray
[docs]def insert_baseline_retrieval_events(events, start_time, end_time, duration, pre, post, use_deprecated=False): """Match recall events to matching baseline periods of failure to recall. This is required for all free recall events, but is not necessary for PAL events, which have a natural baseline/comparison group. Baseline events all begin at least 1000 ms after a vocalization, and end at least 1000 ms before a vocalization. Each recall event is matched, wherever possible, to a valid baseline period from a different list within 3 seconds relative to the onset of the recall period. Parameters ---------- events : np.recarray The event structure in which to incorporate these baseline periods start_time : int The amount of time to skip at the beginning of the session (ms) end_time : int The amount of time within the recall period to consider (ms) duration: int The length of desired empty epochs pre: int The time before each event to exclude post: int The time after each event to exclude Returns ------- np.reccarray Events with REC_BASE event types inserted """ if len(events) == 0: return events if use_deprecated: return insert_baseline_retrieval_events_deprecated( events, start_time, end_time, duration, pre, post ) else: return insert_baseline_retrieval_events_logan(events, duration, pre, post)
[docs]def insert_baseline_retrieval_events_logan(events,duration,pre,post): """Match recall events to matching baseline periods of failure to recall. This is required for all free recall events, but is not necessary for PAL events, which have a natural baseline/comparison group. Baseline events all begin at least 1000 ms after a vocalization, and end at least 1000 ms before a vocalization. Each recall event is matched, wherever possible, to a valid baseline period from a different list within 3 seconds relative to the onset of the recall period. Parameters ---------- events : np.recarray The event structure in which to incorporate these baseline periods duration: int The length of desired empty epochs pre: int The time before each event to exclude post: int The time after each event to exclude Returns ------- np.reccarray Events with REC_BASE event types inserted """ all_events = [] for experiment in extract_experiment_from_events(events): exp_events = events[events['experiment'] == experiment] for session in extract_sessions(exp_events): sess_events = select_session_events(events,session) samplerate = extract_sample_rate_from_eeg(sess_events) new_events = create_matched_events( sess_events, samplerate=samplerate, rec_inclusion_before=1000, rec_inclusion_after=1000, recall_eeg_start=-1*duration, recall_eeg_end=0, remove_before_recall=pre, remove_after_recall=post, ) event_fields = list(sess_events.dtype.names) new_events = new_events[event_fields][:] is_matched_rec_word = np.in1d( sess_events[sess_events.type == 'REC_WORD'], new_events[new_events.type == 'REC_WORD']) new_events = append_fields(new_events, [('matched',np.bool_)]) new_events['matched'] = True sess_events = append_fields(sess_events, [('matched', np.bool_)]) sess_events['matched'] = False rec_events = sess_events[sess_events.type == 'REC_WORD'] rec_events['matched'] = is_matched_rec_word sess_events[sess_events.type == 'REC_WORD'] = rec_events all_events.append( concatenate_events_for_single_experiment( [sess_events,new_events[new_events.type == 'REC_BASE']]) ) return concatenate_events_for_single_experiment(all_events)
[docs]def insert_baseline_retrieval_events_deprecated( events, start_time, end_time, duration, pre, post): """Match recall events to matching baseline periods of failure to recall. This is required for all free recall events, but is not necessary for PAL events, which have a natural baseline/comparison group. Baseline events all begin at least 1000 ms after a vocalization, and end at least 1000 ms before a vocalization. Each recall event is matched, wherever possible, to a valid baseline period from a different list within 3 seconds relative to the onset of the recall period. Parameters ---------- events : np.recarray The event structure in which to incorporate these baseline periods start_time : int The amount of time to skip at the beginning of the session (ms) end_time : int The amount of time within the recall period to consider (ms) duration: int The length of desired empty epochs pre: int The time before each event to exclude post: int The time after each event to exclude Returns ------- np.reccarray Events with REC_BASE event types inserted """ if len(events) == 0: return events # We need to know the sample rate in order to create the new REC_BASE # events. Rather than load a file, we can just load a snippet of eeg and # back out the sample rate samplerate = extract_sample_rate_from_eeg(events) # TODO: document within code blocks what is actually happening # TODO: Finish cleaning this mess up all_events = [] for session in np.unique(events.session): sess_events = events[(events.session == session)] rec_events = select_retrieval_events(sess_events) voc_events = select_vocalization_events(sess_events) # Events corresponding to the start of the recall period starts = sess_events[(sess_events.type == 'REC_START')] # Events corresponding to the end of the recall period ends = sess_events[(sess_events.type == 'REC_END')] # Times associated with start and stop of recall period start_times = starts.mstime.astype( end_times = ends.mstime.astype( rec_lists = tuple(np.unique(starts.list)) # Get list of vocalization times by list if there were any vocalizations # TODO: Pull this into its own function? times = [voc_events[(voc_events.list == lst)].mstime if ( voc_events.list == lst).any() else [] for lst in rec_lists] epochs = find_free_time_periods(times, duration, pre, post, start=start_times, end=end_times) # FIXME: Wow... could this be any more confusing? Pull out into a # separate function. Times relative to recall start rel_times = [(t - i)[(t - i > start_time) & (t - i < end_time)] for (t, i) in zip([rec_events[rec_events.list == lst].mstime for lst in rec_lists], start_times) ] rel_epochs = epochs - start_times[:, None] full_match_accum = np.zeros(epochs.shape, dtype=np.bool) for (i, rec_times_list) in enumerate(rel_times): is_match = np.empty(epochs.shape, dtype=np.bool) is_match[...] = False for t in rec_times_list: # TODO: possibly parametrize this # For each recall event, reject everything that is more than # three seconds away is_match_tmp = np.abs((rel_epochs - t)) < 3000 is_match_tmp[i, ...] = False good_locs = np.where(is_match_tmp & (~full_match_accum)) if len(good_locs[0]): # Find next closest list with a valid deliberation period choice_position = np.argmin( np.mod(good_locs[0] - i, len(good_locs[0]))) choice_inds = (good_locs[0][choice_position], good_locs[1][choice_position]) full_match_accum[choice_inds] = True matching_epochs = epochs[full_match_accum] new_events = np.rec.array(np.zeros(len(matching_epochs), dtype=sess_events.dtype)) for i, _ in enumerate(new_events): new_events[i].mstime = matching_epochs[i] new_events[i].type = 'REC_BASE' new_events.recalled = 0 merged_events = np.rec.array(np.concatenate((sess_events, new_events))) merged_events.sort(order='mstime') for (i, event) in enumerate(merged_events): if event.type == 'REC_BASE': merged_events[i].experiment = merged_events[i - 1].experiment merged_events[i].session = merged_events[i - 1].session merged_events[i].list = merged_events[i - 1].list merged_events[i].eegfile = merged_events[i - 1].eegfile elapsed_time_sec = (merged_events[i].mstime - merged_events[i - 1].mstime) / 1000.0 samples_elapsed = samplerate * elapsed_time_sec merged_events[i].eegoffset = (merged_events[i - 1].eegoffset + samples_elapsed) merged_events = append_fields(merged_events,[('matched',np.bool_)]) merged_events['matched']=False merged_events[(merged_events['type']=='REC_WORD') | (merged_events['type']=='REC_BASE')]['matched']=True all_events.append(merged_events) return np.rec.array(np.concatenate(all_events))
[docs]def find_free_time_periods(times, duration, pre, post, start=None, end=None): """ Given a list of event times, find epochs between them when nothing is happening. Parameters ---------- times : list where elements are lists An iterable of 1-d numpy arrays, each of which is a list that indicates the starting times of all vocalization events. We do not want to include these as candidate time periods duration : int The length of the desired empty epochs pre : int the time before each event to exclude post: int The time after each event to exclude start: array_like List of a recall period start times end: array_like List of recall period end times Returns ------- epoch_array : np.ndarray """ # TODO: Do not allow start and end to be optional because bad stuff will # happen # TODO: Clean this up and add some explanation about what is happening n_trials = len(times) epoch_times = [] for i in range(n_trials): ext_times = times[i] if start is not None: ext_times = np.append([start[i]], ext_times) if end is not None: ext_times = np.append(ext_times, [end[i]]) pre_times = ext_times - pre post_times = ext_times + post # FIXME: Is this backwards? interval_durations = pre_times[1:] - post_times[:-1] free_intervals = np.where(interval_durations > duration)[0] # For each word event, attempt to find a set of possible deliberation # periods in the recall phase trial_epoch_times = [] for interval in free_intervals: begin = post_times[interval] finish = pre_times[interval + 1] - duration interval_epoch_times = range( int(begin), int(finish), int(duration)) trial_epoch_times.extend(interval_epoch_times) epoch_times.append(np.array(trial_epoch_times)) epoch_array = np.empty((n_trials, max([len(x) for x in epoch_times]))) epoch_array[...] = -np.inf for i, epoch in enumerate(epoch_times): epoch_array[i, :len(epoch)] = epoch return epoch_array
[docs]def concatenate_events_across_experiments(event_list, pal=False, stim=False, cat=False): """ Concatenate events across different experiment types. To make session numbers unique, 100 is added to the second set of events in event_list, 200 to the next set of events, and so on. Parameters ---------- event_list: iterable An iterable containing events to be concatenated pal: Bool Indicator for if PAL sessions are included in event_list. This will alter which columns are kept for merging events stim: Bool Indicator for if event_list contains stim sessions. If True, then stim_params field will be kept Returns ------- np.recarray The combined set of events """ # Update sessions to not be in conflict session_offset = 0 final_event_list = [] for events in event_list: if len(events) == 0: continue # we don't want to be incrementing if we dont have to events.session += session_offset events = select_column_subset(events, pal=pal, stim=stim, cat=cat) final_event_list.append(events) session_offset += 100 # In order to combine events, we need have the same fields and types, which # effectively makes the events appear as though coming from the same # experiment final_events = concatenate_events_for_single_experiment(final_event_list) return final_events
[docs]def concatenate_events_for_single_experiment(event_list): """ Combine events that are part of the same experiment Parameters ---------- event_list Returns ------- np.recarray The flattened set of events """ event_sizes = [len(events) for events in event_list] if sum(event_sizes) == 0: empty_events = initialize_empty_event_reccarray() return empty_events final_events = np.rec.array(np.concatenate(event_list)) final_events.sort(order=['subject', 'session', 'list', 'eegoffset']) return final_events
[docs]def remove_intrusions(events): """ Select all encoding events that were part of the encoding period or were non-intrusion retrieval events. """ encoding_events_mask = get_encoding_mask(events) retrieval_event_mask = get_fr_retrieval_events_mask(events) baseline_retrieval_event_mask = get_baseline_retrieval_mask(events) mask = (encoding_events_mask | retrieval_event_mask | baseline_retrieval_event_mask) filtered_events = events[mask] events = np.rec.array(filtered_events) return events
[docs]def select_word_events(events, encoding_only=True): """ Filter out any non-word events Parameters ---------- events: np.recarray encoding_only: bool Flag for whether retrieval events should be included """ mask = get_word_event_mask(events, encoding_only=encoding_only) filtered_events = events[mask] events = np.rec.array(filtered_events) return events
[docs]def get_word_event_mask(events, encoding_only): """ Get a mask identify word events. If encoding_only, then retrieval events will not be counted """ encoding_events_mask = get_encoding_mask(events) retrieval_event_mask = get_all_retrieval_events_mask(events) if encoding_only: mask = encoding_events_mask else: mask = (encoding_events_mask | retrieval_event_mask) return mask
[docs]def extract_event_metadata(events): """ Extract the subject, experiment(s), and session(s) associated with an event structure """ subject = extract_subject(events) experiments = extract_experiment_from_events(events) experiment = ",".join(experiments) sessions = extract_sessions(events) return subject, experiment, sessions
[docs]def extract_subject(events, add_localization=False): """ Extract subject identifier from events """ subjects = np.unique(events[events.subject != u''].subject).tolist() if len(subjects) > 1: raise RuntimeError('There should only be one subject in an event ' 'recarray') if len(subjects) == 0: subject = '' else: subject = subjects[0] if add_localization: montage = np.unique(events[events.montage != ''].montage).tolist() if montage[0] != '0.0': localization = montage[0][0] subject = "_".join([subject, localization]) return subject
[docs]def extract_experiment_from_events(events): """ Given a set of events, return a list of unique experiments contained within """ # Experiment field can be blank, so make sure to not include that in the # final list experiments = np.unique( events[events.experiment != ''].experiment).tolist() # Handle the case of empty events being passed if len(events) == 0: experiments = [''] return experiments
[docs]def extract_sessions(events): """ Return a list of sessions contained within the events structure""" sessions = np.unique(events.session) sessions = [int(sess) for sess in sessions] return sessions
[docs]def extract_lists(events): """ Return a list of lists contained within the events structure """ lists = np.unique(events.list) return lists
[docs]def select_session_events(events, session): """ Select events corresponding to a particular session """ sessions = extract_sessions(events) if session not in sessions: raise RuntimeError('Session {} not in event structure'.format(session)) session_event_mask = get_session_mask(events, session) session_events = events[session_event_mask] return session_events
[docs]def get_session_mask(events, session): """ Return a mask for if an event belongs to the given session """ session_mask = (events.session == session) return session_mask
[docs]def select_stim_table_events(events): """ Return the events needed to build stim session summaries """ events = remove_practice_lists(events) mask = get_stim_table_event_mask(events) stim_table_events = events[mask] return stim_table_events
[docs]def get_stim_table_event_mask(events): """ Return a mask of events to be included for building stim session summaries """ excluded_event_types = ['START', 'STOP', 'PROB'] event_type_mask = [ event.type not in excluded_event_types for event in events] return event_type_mask
[docs]def get_stim_list_mask(events): """ Return boolean mask identifying stim lists Notes ----- Not all items in a stim list will be stimulated. Stimulation will depend on the biomarker at the time of encoding """ stim_list_mask = (events.phase == 'STIM') return stim_list_mask
[docs]def add_list_phase_info(events): """ Adds a list_phase field to an event structure that says which phase of the list (ENCODING, DISTRACT, RETRIEVAL,...) that event is part of. Parameters ---------- events: np.recarray All event or task events """ if 'list_phase' in events.dtype.names: return events dtype_desc = events.type.dtype.str phases = np.empty(len(events), dtype=dtype_desc) lstphases = [] for ev in events: if ev['type'].endswith('_START'): lstphases.append(ev['type'].rpartition('_')[0]) elif 'TRIAL' in ev['type']: lstphases.append(ev['type'].replace('TRIAL','ENCODING')) elif lstphases: lstphases.append(lstphases[-1]) else: lstphases.append('') phases[:] = lstphases new_events = append_fields(events, [('list_phase', dtype_desc)]) new_events['list_phase'] = phases # Certain special cases for older experiments word_events = new_events[(new_events.type == 'WORD') | (new_events.type == 'PRACTICE_WORD')] word_events.list_phase = [t.replace('WORD', 'ENCODING') for t in word_events.type] new_events[(new_events.type == 'WORD') | (new_events.type == 'PRACTICE_WORD')] = word_events retrieval_events = new_events[(new_events.list_phase == 'REC') | (new_events.type == 'REC_WORD') ] retrieval_events.list_phase = 'RETRIEVAL' new_events[(new_events.list_phase == 'REC') | (new_events.type == 'REC_WORD')] = retrieval_events return new_events
[docs]def extract_stim_information(all_events, task_events): """ Identify stim items, post stim items, and stimulation parameters Parameters ---------- all_events: np.recarray All events with stim_params field task_events: np.recarray Task events used for classifier training/evaluation Returns ------- is_stim_item: list Boolean array matching the length of task events indicating if a word was stimulated is_post_stim_item: list Boolean array matching the length of task_events indicating if a word occured after a stimulated word stim_df: pd.DataFrame Stim parameters used for each stimulation event Notes ----- This is a rather convoluted set of logic. The goal is to match all word encoding events with their associated STIM_ON events, which occur as separate entries in the json event structures. """ n_events = len(task_events) is_stim_item = np.zeros(n_events, dtype=np.bool) is_post_stim_item = np.zeros(n_events, dtype=np.bool) stim_param_data = { 'item_name': [], 'session': [], 'list': [], 'amplitude': [], 'pulse_freq': [], 'stim_duration': [], 'stimAnodeTag': [], 'stimCathodeTag': [], } lists = extract_lists(all_events) for lst in lists: lst_events = all_events[all_events.list == lst] lst_stim_words = np.zeros(len(lst_events[lst_events.type == 'WORD'])) lst_post_stim_words = np.zeros( len(lst_events[lst_events.type == 'WORD'])) # j will track word (task) events, while i tracks all events j = 0 for i, event in enumerate(lst_events): if event.type == 'WORD': # Messy logic to find stim items if ((lst_events[i + 1].type == 'STIM_ON') or (lst_events[i + 1].type == 'WORD_OFF' and (lst_events[i + 2].type == 'STIM_ON' or ( lst_events[i + 2].type == 'DISTRACT_START' and lst_events[i + 3].type == 'STIM_ON')))): lst_stim_words[j] = True # Identify which post 'WORD' event was the 'STIM_ON' # event and use the stored stim params for that event to # update the stim table for offset in range(1, 4): if lst_events[i + offset].type == 'STIM_ON': # Assign stim params loc = i + offset # Single-site stimulation will have stim_param # field as a record, while multi-site will be # ndarray. Coerce everything to ndarray for # consistency stim_params = lst_events[loc].stim_params if type(stim_params) != np.ndarray: stim_params = np.array([stim_params]) # TODO: Add location field to stim params by # looking up the contacts in the pairs metadata # table, which would need to be passed to this # function stim_param_data['item_name'].append( lst_events[loc].item_name) stim_param_data['session'].append( lst_events[loc].session) stim_param_data['list'].append( lst_events[loc].list) stim_param_data['amplitude'].append(",".join( [str(stim_params[k].amplitude / 1000.0) for k in range(len(stim_params))])) stim_param_data['pulse_freq'].append( ",".join([str(stim_params[k].pulse_freq) for k in range(len(stim_params))])) stim_param_data['stim_duration'].append( ",".join([str(stim_params[k].stim_duration) for k in range(len(stim_params))])) stim_param_data['stimAnodeTag'].append( ",".join([str(stim_params[k].anode_label) for k in range(len(stim_params))])) stim_param_data['stimCathodeTag'].append( ",".join([str(stim_params[k].cathode_label) for k in range(len(stim_params))])) break # Post stim words are always the word after a stim word, # so just shift to find them if j > 0: lst_post_stim_words[j] = lst_stim_words[j - 1] j += 1 # FYI: It should always be the case that the number of word events # from all_events.json is equal to the number of events from # task_events.json. However, when reading the eeg as part of # computing powers, the PTSA EEGReader can elect to remove some # events. If it happens to remove a 'WORD' event, then these two # values could differ. lst_mask = (task_events.list == lst) if sum(lst_mask) != len(lst_stim_words): new_mask = np.in1d(lst_events[lst_events.type == 'WORD'].item_name, task_events[lst_mask].item_name) lst_stim_words = lst_stim_words[new_mask] lst_post_stim_words = lst_post_stim_words[new_mask] # TODO: Do we need to do this correction for the stim param data # as well? is_stim_item[lst_mask] = lst_stim_words is_post_stim_item[lst_mask] = lst_post_stim_words stim_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(stim_param_data) return is_stim_item, is_post_stim_item, stim_df
def extract_biomarker_information(events): biomarker_events = events[events['type']=='BIOMARKER'] biomarker_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['position', 'phase', 'biomarker_value', 'id']) biomarker_df['phase'] = biomarker_events['phase'] biomarker_df['position'] = biomarker_events['stim_params']['position'] biomarker_df['biomarker_value'] = biomarker_events['stim_params']['biomarker_value'] biomarker_df['id'] = biomarker_events['stim_params']['id'] biomarker_dtypes = [('position', 'U64'), ('phase', 'U64'), ('biomarker_value', float), ('id', 'U64')] return dataframe_to_recarray(biomarker_df,biomarker_dtypes)
[docs]def correct_fr2_stim_item_identification(stim_param_df): """ Update the stim_item and post_stim_item masks for FR2 stim experiments The FR2 experiment is a special bird in that stimulation occurs across two items at a time, and therefore only a single STIM_ON event is recorded. This causes the stim item identification algorithm to miss those second items and therefore they must be corrected separately Parameters: ----------- stim_param_df: `pd.DataFrame` Table containing the fully processed encoding events Returns ------- stim_param_df: `pd.DataFrame` DataFrame with corrected is_stim_item and is_post_stim_item fields """ updated_is_stim_item = [0] * len(stim_param_df) updated_is_post_stim_item = [0] * len(stim_param_df) for index, row in stim_param_df.iterrows(): if row['is_stim_item'] == 1: updated_is_stim_item[index] = 1 if row['is_post_stim_item'] == 1: updated_is_post_stim_item[index] = 1 if ((row['experiment'] == 'FR2') or ( row['experiment'] == 'catFR2')) and (row['is_stim_item'] == 1): # Only items from the same list should be counted as stim items or # post stim items. Ensure this by checking serial position updated_is_stim_item[index] = 1 if row['serialpos'] < 12: updated_is_stim_item[index + 1] = 1 updated_is_post_stim_item[index + 1] = 1 if row['serialpos'] < 11: updated_is_post_stim_item[index + 2] = 1 stim_param_df['is_stim_item'] = updated_is_stim_item stim_param_df['is_post_stim_item'] = updated_is_post_stim_item return stim_param_df
[docs]def validate_single_experiment(events): """ Raises an error if more than one experiment is present in the events """ experiments = extract_experiment_from_events(events) if len(experiments) > 1: raise TooManyExperimentsError('Expected single experiment in events') return
[docs]def validate_single_session(events): """ Raises an error if more than one session is present in the events """ sessions = np.unique(events.session) if len(sessions) > 1: raise TooManySessionsError("Expected single session events") return
[docs]def extract_sample_rate_from_eeg(events): """ Extract the samplerate used for the given set of events by loading EEG """ eeg_reader = EEGReader(events=events[:2], start_time=0.0, end_time=1.0) eeg = samplerate = float(eeg['samplerate']) return samplerate
[docs]def select_math_events(events): """ Select math events from a set of events """ math_event_mask = get_math_events_mask(events) math_events = events[math_event_mask] return math_events
[docs]def get_math_events_mask(events): """ Get a boolean array identifying math events """ math_event_mask = (events.type == 'PROB') return math_event_mask
[docs]def get_nonstim_events_mask(events): """ Get a mask of any non-stim WORD events Notes ----- These events are what is used in post-hoc classifier evaluation """ non_stim_mask = (events.type == 'WORD') & (events.phase != 'STIM') return non_stim_mask
[docs]def get_time_between_events(events): """ Calculate the time between successive events""" inter_event_times = np.append([0], np.diff(events.mstime)) return inter_event_times
[docs]def select_encoding_events(events): """ Select only encoding events """ encoding_mask = get_encoding_mask(events) encoding_events = events[encoding_mask] return encoding_events
[docs]def get_encoding_mask(events): """ Create encoding event mask """ encoding_mask = (events.type == "WORD") return encoding_mask
[docs]def select_vocalization_events(events): """ Select all vocalization events """ vocalization_mask = get_vocalization_mask(events) vocalization_events = events[vocalization_mask] return vocalization_events
[docs]def get_vocalization_mask(events): """ Create mask for vocalization events""" vocalization_mask = ((events.type == 'REC_WORD') | (events.type == 'REC_WORD_VV')) return vocalization_mask
[docs]def select_baseline_retrieval_events(events): """ Select baseline retrieval events """ baseline_retrieval_mask = get_baseline_retrieval_mask(events) baseline_retrieval_events = events[baseline_retrieval_mask] return baseline_retrieval_events
[docs]def get_baseline_retrieval_mask(events): """ Create a boolean mask for baseline retrieval events """ mask = (events.type == 'REC_BASE') # No events to mask if len(mask) == 0: return mask if max(mask) is False: raise RuntimeError("No baseline retrieval events found. Create " "baseline retrieval events first.") return mask
[docs]def select_retrieval_events(events): """ Select retrieval events. Uses the experiment field in the events to determine how selection should be done since selection differes for PAL and FR/catFR Parameters ---------- events: np.recarray Events to mask """ experiments = np.unique(events.experiment) if len(experiments) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Retrieval event selection only supports " "single-experiment datasets") experiment = experiments[0] if "FR" in experiment: mask = get_fr_retrieval_events_mask(events) elif "PAL"in experiment: mask = get_pal_retrieval_events_mask(events) retrieval_events = events[mask] return retrieval_events
[docs]def get_fr_retrieval_events_mask(events): """ Identify actual retrieval events for FR/catFR experiments""" # FIXME: Parametrize the inter-event threshold # TODO: Why don't we actually study this 1000ms threshold to optimize it? inter_event_times = get_time_between_events(events) retrieval_mask = ((events.type == 'REC_WORD') & (events.intrusion == 0) & (inter_event_times > 1000)) return retrieval_mask
[docs]def get_pal_retrieval_events_mask(events): """ Identify retrieval events for PAL experiments """ retrieval_mask = ((events.type == 'TEST_PROBE') | (events.type == 'PROBE_START')) return retrieval_mask
[docs]def select_all_retrieval_events(events): """ Select both baseline and actual retrieval events """ retrieval_mask = get_all_retrieval_events_mask(events) retrieval_events = events[retrieval_mask] return retrieval_events
[docs]def get_all_retrieval_events_mask(events): """ Create a boolean bask for any retrieval event """ all_retrieval_mask = ((events.type == 'REC_WORD') | (events.type == 'REC_BASE') | (events.type == 'REC_EVENT')) if 'matched' not in events.dtype.names: return all_retrieval_mask matched_mask = events['matched'] return matched_mask & all_retrieval_mask
[docs]def get_recall_events_mask(events): """ Create a boolean mask for any recall events """ recall_mask = (events.recalled == 1) return recall_mask
def get_post_stim_events_mask(events): # In general, there are no stim events during practice lists, but when artifact detection # is enabled, the STIM_OFF events have -999 for the list number, so this will be sure # to exclude those stim events post_stim_events_mask = ((events.type == 'STIM_OFF') & (events.list > -1)) return post_stim_events_mask
[docs]def partition_events(events): """ Split a given set of events into partitions by experiment class ( FR/PAL) and encoding/retrieval Parameters ---------- events: np.recarray Set of events to partition Returns ------- list A list containing all identified partitions to the data """ retrieval_mask = get_all_retrieval_events_mask(events) pal_mask = (events.experiment == "PAL1") post_stim_mask = get_post_stim_events_mask(events) fr_encoding = events[(~retrieval_mask & ~pal_mask & ~post_stim_mask)] fr_retrieval = events[(retrieval_mask & ~pal_mask)] pal_encoding = events[(~retrieval_mask & pal_mask)] pal_retrieval = events[(retrieval_mask & pal_mask)] post_stim = events[post_stim_mask] # Only add partitions with actual events final_partitions = { 'fr_encoding': fr_encoding, 'fr_retrieval': fr_retrieval, 'pal_encoding': pal_encoding, 'pal_retrieval': pal_retrieval, 'post_stim': post_stim } return final_partitions
[docs]def get_partition_masks(events): """ Return a set of masks corresponding to the partitions present in the events """ retrieval_mask = get_all_retrieval_events_mask(events) pal_mask = (events.experiment == "PAL1") post_stim_mask = get_post_stim_events_mask(events) fr_encoding = (~retrieval_mask & ~pal_mask) fr_retrieval = (retrieval_mask & ~pal_mask) pal_encoding = (~retrieval_mask & pal_mask) pal_retrieval = (retrieval_mask & pal_mask) post_stim = post_stim_mask # Only add partitions with actual events partition_masks = { 'fr_encoding': fr_encoding, 'fr_retrieval': fr_retrieval, 'pal_encoding': pal_encoding, 'pal_retrieval': pal_retrieval, 'post_stim': post_stim } return partition_masks
def get_repetition_ratio_dict(rootdir="/"): all_repetition_rates = {} all_catfr1_subjects = find_subjects("catFR1", rootdir=rootdir) for subject in all_catfr1_subjects: events = load_events(subject, "catFR1", file_type='task_events', rootdir=rootdir) recall_events = events[events.recalled == 1] sessions = np.unique(recall_events.session) lists = np.unique(recall_events.list) # Initialize single subject repetition rates of shape n_sessions X # n_lists repetition_rates = np.empty([len(sessions), len(lists)]) for i, r in enumerate(repetition_rates.flat): repetition_rates.flat[i] = np.nan for i, session in enumerate(sessions): sess_recalls = recall_events[recall_events.session == session] lists = np.unique(sess_recalls.list) repetition_rates[i][:len(lists)] = [ calculate_repetition_ratio(sess_recalls[sess_recalls.list == l]) for l in lists] all_repetition_rates[subject] = repetition_rates.copy() return all_repetition_rates
[docs]def find_subjects(experiment, rootdir="/"): """ Identify subjects who completed a given experiment """ json_reader = JsonIndexReader(os.path.join(rootdir, "protocols", "r1.json")) subjects = json_reader.aggregate_values( 'subject_alias', experiment=experiment) return subjects
[docs]def calculate_repetition_ratio(recall_events): """ Determine the repetition ratio for a given list based on the recalled events for that list """ is_repetition = np.diff(recall_events.category_num) == 0 repetition_ratio = np.sum(is_repetition)/float(len(recall_events) - 1) return repetition_ratio