
Experimental events are stored in a tabular format with a set of common fields. These common fields are supplemented by a number of other fields that may be specific to a particular experiment or common amongst a subset of experiments.

Common fields

The following fields should be available in events of all experiment types:

Field Type Description
subject String Subject ID
experiment String Experiment name
session Integer Session number
type String Label indicating the type of event
eegoffset Integer Number of EEG samples at which the event occurred
eegfile String Base name of associated EEG files
stim_params List of dictionaries Stimulation parameters associated with a stim event

Stimulation parameters

As noted above, stimulation parameters are stored as a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the following fields:

Field Type Units Description
amplitude Float µA Stimulation amplitude
anode_label String   Stimulation anode contact label
anode_number Integer   Stimulation anode contact number
cathode_label String   Stimulation cathode contact label
cathode_number Integer   Stimulation cathode contact number
pulse_freq Integer Hz Stimulation pulse train frequency
pulse_width Integer µs Stimulation pulse width
n_pulses Integer   Number of stimulation pulses
stim_duration Integer ms Duration of stimulation

Some additional fields may also exist, including burst fields which are not often used (burst_freq, n_bursts) and stim_on which is 1 for an event with stimulation and 0 otherwise.

FR events

Event types that can be found in most FR-like experiments are:

Label Description
SESS_START Start of session
SESS_END End of session
COUNTDOWN_START Start of the countdown period before each list
COUNTDOWN_END End of countdown period
DISTRACT_START Start of distractor
DISTRACT_END End of distractor
REC_START Start of recall period
REC_END End of recall period
REC_WORD Word recall event
REC_WORD_VV Non-word vocalization event
STIM_ON Stimulation onset
TRIAL Start of a new trial
WORD Presentation of a word

Fields common in most FR-like experiments include:

Field Units Description
list   Current list number
serialpos   Serial position (at encoding) of the currently presented item
item_name   Current item
item_num   Number of the current item in the item pool
recalled   Flag indicating an item was recalled
rectime ms Amount of time since the beginning of the recall period for recalled items
intrusion   -1 for extra-list intrusion, N for item presentation N lists back
stim_list   Flag indicating stimulation was allowed during this list
category   Category name (in catFR variants)
category_num   Category number (in catFR variants)