RAM Public Data Description


This document was converted from the Word document that accompanies the RAM public data releases.

This document contains a listing and description of the various data included in this public data archive, with requests made via the URL: http://memory.psych.upenn.edu/RAM_Public_Data

Instructions to download and extract data:

  • Replace <date> with the data of the specific release you are downloading/extracting
  • Download all the files named “Release_<date>.tar.gz.__” into a common directory.
  • Combine and untar all the split files containing event, eeg, and localization data:
    • Max/Linux: Using the terminal, run “cat Release_<date>.tar.gz.* | tar xzvf –“ in the directory with the downloaded files.
    • Windows: Use Winrar or a similar application.
  • Download “Release_Metadata_<date>.tar.gz” and untar:
    • Max/Linux: Using the terminal, run command “tar -xzvf Release_Metadata_<date>.tar.gz“.
    • Windows: Use Winrar or a similar application.

Description of data contents follow:


design_documents word documents containing detailed descriptions of the implementations of behavioral tasks FR1/2/3, CatFR1/2/3, PAL1/2/3, YC1/2, TH1/TH3

session_notes for each subject, contains tester notes and comments for each session

electrode_categories for each subject, lists electrode contacts in the seizure onset zone, exhibiting frequent interictal activity, residing in a brain lesion, or labelled as bad/broken by the clinical staff

RAM_subject_demographics.csv for each subject, the age (at testing), gender, race, ethnicity, and handedness


Directory Description
/protocols/<protocol> <protocol> is the code for the protocol under which an experiment took place. In this archive, the protocol is ‘r1’
subjects/<subject> <subject> is the 6-character code representing a participant in an experiment. All data related to the subject is placed under this directory
experiments/<experiment> <experiment> is the name of the task in which the subject participated. One of: FR1, FR2, FR3, catFR1, catFR2, catFR3, PAL1, PAL2, PAL3, YC1, YC2, TH1, TH3
sessions/<session> <session> is a zero-indexed identifier for a session of an experiment
localizations/<localization> <localization> is a zero-indexed number that identifies a reimplant. Data concerning localization of electrodes for this implant is contained in this directory.
montages/<montage> <montage> is a zero-indexed number that identifies a montage change. Note that montage numbers do not reset in the case of a new localization.


File Description
protocols/r1.json A complete index of all information stored within the archive. JSON objects for each subject-session contain paths to the relevant files.
sessions/#/behavioral/current_processed/events.json Lists of JSON objects containing information about the behavioral events and stimulus presentations that occurred during an experiment
sessions/#/ephys/current_processed/sources.json List of JSON objects containing information about the eeg files contained in the noreref directory.
sessions/#/ephys/current_processed/noreref Each file contains raw binary, EEG data split by channel (denoted by suffix, i.e. .001 = Channel 1, etc.).
montages/#/neuroradiology/current_processed/pairs.json JSON objects containing localization information for neighboring pairs of implanted electrodes
montages/#/neuroradiology/current_processed/contacts.json JSON objects containing localization information for each individual implanted electrode
#/surf/lh.pial, #/surf/rh.pial Freesurfer files for each hemisphere containing the reconstructed surface of each subject’s brain


JSON events structures are present for each session. Each events structure consists of an array of objects, in which the object consists of fields that specify information about the event in question. The following fields exist across every experiment:

Term Description
Protocol The protocol number under which the subject was run. For the subjects contained in this archive, the protocol will always be ‘r1’
Subject The code of the subject that participated in this session
Montage A decimal number representing the localization and montage numbers of the subject during this experiment. Localization 1, montage 2 is represented as 1.2
Experiment Experiment name
Session Session number
Type A label for the event. Event types differ across experiments.
mstime Epoch time in ms at which the event took place
msoffset The amount of time in ms that it took for the call in question to return. Represents an uncertainty in the timing of the event
eegoffset The number of samples into the eeg file at which the event took place
eegfile The basename of the eeg file that contains the recordings for this session. Eeg files can be located in the corresponding ephys folder for the session
exp_version Experiment software version number
stim_params A list of the stimulation parameters that were applied during or around that event. If no stimulation was applied, this value is an empty list

The stim_params list contains the following fields:

Field Description
anode_number Channel number of the stimulated anode. This number corresponds to a localization made in pairs.json and contacts.json for this montage.
cathode_number Channel number of the stimulated cathode
anode_label Channel label of the stimulated anode
cathode_label Channel label of the stimulated cathode
amplitude Amplitude of stimulation in microamps
pulse_freq The frequency of the train of pulses used for stimulation
n_pulses The number of stimulation pulses delivered in the stimulation train
burst_freq Not used in this data set
n_bursts Not used in this data set
pulse_width Width of an individual pulse in microseconds
stim_on Whether stimulation was being applied during this specific event
stim_duration Approximate duration of the stimulation (in milliseconds)

The remaining portion of this document describes the specific fields that pertain to each experiment.

FR and catFR

Event type Description
SESS_START/SESS_END The start and end of a session
COUNTDOWN_START/COUNTDOWN_END The start and end of the countdown period that occurs prior to each list
DISTRACT_START/DISTRACT_END The start and ends of the math distractor period that occurs between encoding and retrieval. “PRACTICE” indicates that the distractor period occurred on the initial practice list.
REC_START/REC_END The start and end of the recall period.
REC_WORD The recall of a word
REC_WORD_VV Production of a non-word vocalization
STIM_ON Indicates the onset of stimulation
TRIAL The start of a trial
WORD The presentation of a word
Field Description
list The number of the current list. -1 indicates a practice list
serialpos The serial position (at encoding) of the currently presented or recalled item
word The currently presented or recalled word
wordno The number in the wordpool of the currently presented or recalled item
recalled A boolean flag to indicate during WORD events whether the currently presented word was subsequently recalled, and during REC_WORD events whether the current presented word was a successful recall
rectime During REC_WORD events, the amount of time elapsed (in ms) since the beginning of the recall period
intrusion During REC_WORD events, -1 indicates an extra-list intrusion and a positive number N indicates that the word presentation occurred N lists back
stim_list During FR2/3, indicates that stimulation occurred on a given list
is_stim During FR2/3, Indicates that stimulation occurred during an item’s presentation
category (catFR only) the category that the currently presented word belongs to
category_num (catFR only) a numerical identifier for the category of the current word


Event type Description
SESS_START/SESS_END The start and end of a session
ENCODING_START The start of the encoding period
MATH_START/MATH_END The start and end of the math distractor period
REC_START/REC_END The start and end of the recall period for individual items during retrieval
REC_EVENT A recall or vocalization
STUDY_PAIR The presentation of a pair of items during encoding
STUDY_ORIENT The appearance of the orient cue before words during encoding
TEST_PROBE The presentation of a word during retrieval
TEST_ORIENT The appearance of the orient cue before words during retrieval
TEST_START The start of the retrieval period
Field Description
resp_word The word that was recalled for the current pair
probe_word The word that was shown as the probe for the current pair
probepos The position in which the probe from the current pair was presented at retrieval
cue_direction Whether the top (1) or bottom (0) item was presented as the probe
is_stim Whether stimulation occurred during the given event
resp_pass Whether the current item was responded to with PASS as the only recall
RT The amount of time (in ms) that elapsed between the presentation of the probe and the recall
serialpos The position in which the current pair was presented during encoding
stim_list Whether stimulation was applied during the current list
correct Whether a correct recall was made during the retrieval period
study_1 The word that was presented at the top during encoding
study_2 The word that was presented at the bottom during encoding
vocalization Whether the current recall was a non-word vocalization
stim_type Whether stimulation on this list occurred at encoding or retrieval
intrusion On incorrect recalls, -1 if the word was an extra-list intrusion, 0 if the word came from the current list, and N (N>1) if the word was presented N lists back
list The number of the current list (-1 for practice)
expecting_word The word that was intended to be recalled during retrieval


Event type Description
NAV_LEARN A trial in which the subject is driven automatically to the target object with the object visible
NAV_PRACTICE_LEARN Same as NAV_LEARN, but considered practice
NAV_PRACTICE_TEST Same as NAV_TEST, but considered practice
NAV_TEST A trial in which the subject drives to where they believe the invisible target object is located
Field Description
obj_locs XY coordinate of the target object
stimulus_num The current trial count within a session
resp_reaction_time Length of time (seconds) to initiate movement
start_locs XY coordinate of the starting location
env_size Array representing the bounds of the environent [minimum x, maximum x, minimum y, maximum y]
resp_path_length Number of units traversed on the path taken between start_locs and resp_locs
resp_dist_err Euclidean distance between the target location (obj_locs) and the response location (resp_locs)
is_stim Indicates whether the current NAV_LEARN, NAV_LEARN, NAV_TEST set was stimulated or unstimulated
resp_performance_factor Normalized distance between the target location (obj_locs) and the response location (resp_locs).  0 is a perfect response, 1 is the worst possible response.
recalled Indicates whether the euclidean distance error for the current NAV_LEARN, NAV_LEARN, NAV_TEST set was below the median of the subject’s distance errors
resp_locs XY coordinate of the response location
path Contains the subarrays ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘direction’, and ‘time’ detailing the path taken between start_locs and resp_locs
resp_travel_time Once movement is initiated, the length of time (seconds) spent navigating
block_num The number of the current NAV_LEARN, NAV_LEARN, NAV_TEST set
stimulus The identity of the current target object
paired_block Indicates the block used to counterbalance the current block
block The number of the current block. One block is composed of one pair of NAV_LEARN, NAV_LEARN, NAV_TEST sets

TH and THR

Event type Description
CHEST The opening of a treasure chest. The chest can either be filled with a study object or empty
REC The moment a response position is chosen
Field Description
trial trial number, zero indexed. Values will range from 0 – 39 in a full session
chestNum chest number within a given trial (1 – 3 or 4, depending on listLength. One indexed).
block block number, zero indexed. Values will range from 0 – 4 in a full session.
listLength (2 or 3) – Indicates how many filled chests were present for the current trial.
radius_size Float (constant across all events) indicating the size (in VR units) of the selection circle radius.
is_stim (0 or 1) – Indicates whether electrical stimulation was received during this event. For the TH1 task, this is always 0.
stim_list (0 or 1) – Indicates whether electrical stimulation was received during this trial. For the TH1 task, this is always 0.
locationX X-coordinate of current chest position.
locationY Y-coordinate of current chest position.
item_name String identifying the current item. If empty, the chest contained no item.
navStartLocationX X-coordinate of starting position for the current trial.
navStartLocationY Y-coordinate of starting position for the current trial.
isRecFromNearSide (0 or 1) - Indicates whether the correct item location is in the near half or far half of the field, relative to the retrieval viewpoint location.
isRecFromStartSide (0 or 1) - Indicates whether the retrieval viewpoint location is the same side of the field as where the trial started.
reactionTime Float indicating the amount of time (in ms) between when the item probe was given and when the response location was selected.
confidence (0, 1, 2) – Indicates whether the subject selected the low, medium, or high confidence response for the item.
recStartLocationX X-coordinate of the retrieval period viewpoint for the current trial.
recStartLocationY Y-coordinate of the retrieval period viewpoint for the current trial.
distErr Float indicating the Euclidean distance between the true chest location for this item and the response location.
recalled (0 or 1) – Indicates whether the chosen response location fell within radius_size of the correct location.
normErr Float (between 0 and 1) indicating normalized distance error, where 0 is a perfect response and 1 is the worst possible response, given the object’s location.
chosenLocationX X-coordinate of current response position.
chosenLocationY Y-coordinate of current response position.

Montage information (pairs and contacts)

The pairs.json and contacts.json files contains a “contacts” object, which in turn contains an object for each contact, with the contact label as the key. The fields within the contact are:

Field Description
atlases.avg Registered to an internally made average brain
atlases.avg.dural Registered to the average brain, snapped to the dural surface
atlases.ind Registered to the subjects individual brain
atlases.ind.dural Registered to the subjects individual brain, snapped to the dural surface
atlases.mni Coordinates in MNI space
atlases.tal Coordinates in Talairach space
channel Channel number of the contact
code Label for the contact
type One of “s”, “g”, or “d”, representing strips, grids, or depths respectively