
Serialization format



Saving a classifier

  • Train a LogisticRegression classifier from sklearn.linear_model

  • Create a classiflib.ClassifierContainer to store the data required to recreate a trained classifier (this includes some extra metadata)

  • Save the container as a zip file (see API docs for other formats)

Loading a classifier

  • Load with the classiflib.ClassifierContainer.load() class method

This automatically sets the weights and intercept, so no additional steps are required if the classifier does not need to be retrained on newly excluded pairs.

Structured data types

Some data are stored with Numpy record arrays. The data types for these arrays are defined in classiflib.dtypes:

classiflib.dtypes.pairs = dtype([('contact0', '<i8'), ('contact1', '<i8'), ('label0', 'S256'), ('label1', 'S256')])
classiflib.dtypes.weights = dtype([('pair_id', '<i8'), ('frequency', '<f8'), ('value', '<f8')])
classiflib.dtypes.timing_window = dtype([('start_time', '<f8'), ('end_time', '<f8'), ('buffer', '<f8')])


When adding pairs to a ClassifierContainer, an additional id column is automatically added. This is used to reference the bipolar pairs in the weights array.

Odin embedded mode

Odin embedded mode data types use the traitschema package for easier serializability.

class classiflib.dtypes.OdinEmbeddedMeta(**kwargs)[source]

OdinEmbeddedMeta info that can be stored in a schema bundle.


Number of embedded channels


Number of classifiers


Subject code


Time of creation

class classiflib.dtypes.OdinEmbeddedClassifier(**kwargs)[source]

General classifier settings for Odin embedded mode.


Averaging interval in ms


Refractory period in ms


Stim channel name


Stim duration in ms


Subject code


Stim threshold


Waveform name (should be of the form <stim_channel_name>_wfm)


channels x 8)


Weights per channel per frequency (shape

class classiflib.dtypes.OdinEmbeddedChannel(**kwargs)[source]

Odin embedded mode channel specifications.


Sense channel label


Mean values per frequency


Standard deviations per frequency


Subject code

Rather than using classiflib.ClassifierContainer, use classiflib.OdinEmbeddedClassifierContainer:

class classiflib.container.OdinEmbeddedClassifierContainer(channels, classifiers, timestamp=None)[source]

Container for Odin ENS embedded mode classifiers.

  • channels (List[List[dtypes.OdinEmbeddedChannel]]) – Channel specifications. Each entry is a list of channels associated with each classifier (or just a list of channels for record-only mode). There must be 1-32 channels defined.

  • classifiers (List[dtypes.OdinEmbeddedClassifier]) – Classifier specifications. Must have 0 (record-only mode), 1, or 2.

  • timestamp (float or None) – Timestamp or None to use the current time.


IndexError – If number of channels or classifiers is not within allowed limits.

classmethod load(filename)[source]

Load a saved classifier.

save(filename, overwrite=False, create_directories=True)[source]

Serialize to a file.



Convert data from pairs.json to the minimal recarray format.


filename (str) –


dtype = classflib.dtypes.pairs

Return type:


Experiment defaults

For convenience, timing windows for some experiments are perdefined in classiflib.defaults.

class classiflib.defaults.FRDefaults[source]

Defaults used for the FR classifier.

encoding_samples_weight = 2.5
encoding_window = (0., 1.366, 1.365)
filter_order = 4
filter_width = 5
freqs = array([  6.        ,   9.75368156,  15.85571732,  25.77526961,         41.90062864,  68.11423148, 110.72742057, 180.        ])
hfs = array([ 71.12960612,  78.13879874,  85.8386852 ,  94.29732727,        103.58949358, 113.79732058, 125.01103851, 137.329769  ,        150.86240127, 165.72855457, 182.0596356 , 200.        ])
hfs_window = (0., 1.6, 1.)
retrieval_window = (-0.525, 0., 0.524)

API reference

class classiflib.container.ClassifierContainer(classifier, pairs, features, events=None, sample_weight=None, frequencies=array([6., 9.75368156, 15.85571732, 25.77526961, 41.90062864, 68.11423148, 110.72742057, 180.]), weights=None, intercept=None, classifier_info={'auc': None, 'classname': None, 'params': {}, 'roc': None, 'subject': 'undefined'}, versions=None, timestamp=None)[source]

Container carrying a classifier and associated data. This is used as the serializer-neutral object that is returned when deserializing and should not need to be instantiated directly. All parameters become attributes of the same name.

  • classifier (BaseEstimator) – The classifier object

  • pairs (np.recarray) – Bipolar pairs used for training (dtype: classiflib.dtypes.pairs)

  • features (np.ndarray) – Features matrix

  • events (np.recarray) – Events associated with the features

  • sample_weight (np.ndarray) – Sample weights used during training

  • frequencies (np.ndarray) – Frequencies the classifier uses.

  • weights (np.recarray) – Weights (dtype: classiflib.dtypes.weights). None if creating a container for serialization.

  • intercept (float) – Intercept. None if creating a container for serialization.

  • classifier_info (dict) – A dict possibly containing the following keys: classname, subject, roc, auc, params (see the meaning of these in the base serializer class).

  • versions (dict) – All relevant version numbers at serialization time (None if creating a container to be serialized).

  • timestamp (float) – Unix time in seconds (current time if not given).

classmethod load(filename)[source]

Load a serialized ClassifierContainer.


filename (str) –

save(filename, overwrite=False, create_directories=True)[source]

Serialize to a file.

  • filename (str) – Output filename. The serializer used is determined by the extension.

  • overwrite (bool) – Whether or not to overwrite an existing file (default: False)

  • create_directories (bool) – Recursively create directories for the file if they don’t already exist.


Currently supported serialization methods:

  • .pkl -> joblib pickling

  • .h5 -> HDF5

  • .zip -> zipped file (similar in structure to HDF5 format)

class classiflib.container.OdinEmbeddedClassifierContainer(channels, classifiers, timestamp=None)[source]

Container for Odin ENS embedded mode classifiers.

  • channels (List[List[dtypes.OdinEmbeddedChannel]]) – Channel specifications. Each entry is a list of channels associated with each classifier (or just a list of channels for record-only mode). There must be 1-32 channels defined.

  • classifiers (List[dtypes.OdinEmbeddedClassifier]) – Classifier specifications. Must have 0 (record-only mode), 1, or 2.

  • timestamp (float or None) – Timestamp or None to use the current time.


IndexError – If number of channels or classifiers is not within allowed limits.

classmethod load(filename)[source]

Load a saved classifier.

save(filename, overwrite=False, create_directories=True)[source]

Serialize to a file.